
Understanding the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash
07 January, 2023
Understanding the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are completely different cryptocurrencies in many ways, despite having similar-sounding names. Contrary to widespread perception, Bitcoin Cash is also not a cheap replacement for Bitcoin. What distinguishes Bitcoin from Bitcoin Cash, then?

List of Contents    

1. Introduction to the Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash

2. Why Bitcoin is superior to Bitcoin Cash

3. Bitcoin Cash has advantages over Bitcoin

4. Conclusion

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are completely different cryptocurrencies in many ways, despite having similar-sounding names. Contrary to widespread perception, Bitcoin Cash is also not a cheap replacement for Bitcoin. What distinguishes Bitcoin from Bitcoin Cash, then?

Kafkamining wishes to go over some of the key distinctions between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash in this blog article. Before you buy in any of these seemingly identical cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it's imperative that you comprehend their distinctive qualities. So let's start it straight away without further ado.

Introduction to the Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash

The first widely used cryptocurrency in the world is called Bitcoin, or BTC. Bitcoin is a digital currency that was developed in 2009 by an unidentified creator known only as Satoshi Nakamoto. It is supported by a public ledger known as the Blockchain. Bitcoin has experienced phenomenal growth in both popularity and value since its introduction. One Bitcoin was worth $0.0001 at the moment of the very first transaction, which took place in 2009 (block 170). The same old Bitcoin is now worth more than $15,000 as of the time this blog entry is being written! Are you serious?

The cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin Cash, or BCH, was only recently founded in 2017. The community's efforts to create a Bitcoin alternative—which was quickly becoming an unsatisfactory option for large-scale transactions—led to the establishment of Bitcoin Cash. However, Bitcoin Cash is a branch of the original Bitcoin project, which entails a copy of the source code. The community worked to increase Bitcoin's scalability and transaction speeds. In the end, they gave birth to an entirely new and distinct cryptocurrency. Two Blockchains, Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin SV, were created out of Bitcoin Cash in 2018.

Why Bitcoin is superior to Bitcoin Cash

Here are some main arguments in favour of sticking with the original gangster: Bitcoin.

The Community is Bigger

When it comes to market capitalization and the number of investors, Bitcoin is by far the most popular cryptocurrency. Bitcoin has become a household brand in several international marketplaces as a result of the recent increase in its value. On the other hand, a sizable portion of cryptocurrency fans have little to no knowledge about Bitcoin Cash. It's a common misconception among certain people that Bitcoin Cash is a near-exact replica of the original Bitcoin project.

Security Issues

Bitcoin Cash's initial codebase has undergone certain changes in order to achieve better scalability and speedier transactions, despite the fact that the underlying code of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is essentially identical. Since the BCH community has expedited the transactions' verification process, these improvements are frequently accompanied by security concerns.

Bitcoin Cash has advantages over Bitcoin

Here are some of the key benefits of switching to or investing in Bitcoin Cash.

Simple to Manage

When dealing with Bitcoin Cash, volatility might not be the main issue. Most people can afford it because it’s worth hasn't surpassed $1,000 yet. That, along with scalability and speedier transaction times, are the main drivers behind the creation of Bitcoin Cash.

More rapid transactions

The block size of Bitcoin Cash is eight times larger than that of Bitcoin, at 8MB. Meaning that Bitcoin Cash transactions are typically completed faster than Bitcoin transactions, making it a better option for regular transactions. Furthermore, there are no significant transaction costs while using Bitcoin Cash.


Because of its extreme value, enormous popularity, and traditional design, Bitcoin transactions frequently have scaling problems. Bitcoin Cash, on the other hand, has a scalable architecture. Additionally, the Bitcoin Cash creators offer some simple implementation tools to set it up as a payment method. Bitcoin Cash is currently listed on several of the top cryptocurrency exchanges across the world, including Liquid, as a result of its widespread popularity. What's this? Even when gas prices are on the rise, GAS costs are low.

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In the midst of the ongoing Bull Run supported by Elon Musk-led Tesla's $1.5 billion investment, Bitcoin keeps expanding. According to experts, BTC will keep growing in the years to come. However, the BTC community would need to deal with slow transaction times and scalability issues.

Despite having a far lower value than the great Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash is expected to increase in value over the following years. The community is also working to increase transaction speeds. It's the main reason more individuals are excited about the long-term advantages of investing in Bitcoin Cash.

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